"For the rest of my life, I`ll be with you, I`ll stay by your side honest and true, Till the end of my time, I`ll be loving you. loving you, For the rest of my life, Thru days and night, I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes, Now and forever I I`ll be there for you"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

new Entry

salam... pe erk mau story... owh aku update entry ari nie.. 12feb bday si kecik nakal faiqa farzaana..da 5 taun da bsk tue..aishh.. beso da rupenye.. kire aku pon da tua la..hahahhhaa..
so ari nie kitrong celebrate bday dia.. xde la planing ape2 pon just celebrate biase2 jer.. huhuhh..

so then td balik umah layan lak citer Ampunkan Daku, gles mmg aku salute la cter tue, mmg mmberi keinsafan btol.. sdih btol tgk cter tue... aishh.. menangis gak la aku tgk cter tue..huhuhu..

ape lg erk nk cter, xde lak story lg.. xde idea nk menaip.. so pe lg jumpe la kter d next entry.. huhuhu..

and finaly dapt gak aku keje baru, Alhamdulilah.. n tmpt keje pon dekat skit ngn umah..xde la nk risau ape.. hehehehhehe..