"For the rest of my life, I`ll be with you, I`ll stay by your side honest and true, Till the end of my time, I`ll be loving you. loving you, For the rest of my life, Thru days and night, I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes, Now and forever I I`ll be there for you"

Sunday, July 22, 2012

14th July 2012

salam All,

finally on 14th July 2012 yg lepas, aku selamat melahirkn my 1st baby.. hehehehee.. first experience, da la 1st baby, pastue kene operate pulak..uwaaaa... da la seumur idop aku xpenah kene operate, tue la 1st time.. n mmg menakutkn la smpi xlh tdo mlm memikir..heheheeh... tp yg peliknye aku leh selamber je time nk operate.. n nasib baik la everything goes smooth, and my baby boy come out on 6:44pm @ naluri medical center..tp baby aku lahir xckup bulan, dia kua on 36week, same la cm aku, cume aku lahir mase 28week and berat aku just 1.1kg... tp anak aku beso sikit, berat dia 2.5kg.. di sebabkn xckup bulan dia kene la msok incubator for 3 days, and dia kne gune bantuan oksigen.. alhamdulilah dia cpt kua.. syukur alhamdulilah, semuanye slamat skrng... no more lg nitemare.. hikhikhik...

welcome to world 'AHMAD AFFAN ZIQRY MOHD KHAIDIR'.. mamy and dady luv u so much.. hikhik