"For the rest of my life, I`ll be with you, I`ll stay by your side honest and true, Till the end of my time, I`ll be loving you. loving you, For the rest of my life, Thru days and night, I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes, Now and forever I I`ll be there for you"

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

im a mom for 3 1/2 month little boy

Salam semua,

Sedar x sdar my little boy da 3bln 1/2.. cpt nye mase belalu, rase mcm bru smlm lahir kn dia. hihihi

seronok tgk dia mmbesa depan mate, tgk pekembangan dia, rase teruja diri..

rase mcm xnak lepas kn dia lame2.. huhuhuuhhuhu...

rase da lengkap da idop besama suami tercinta..tercinta ker...hahhahhaaha...anything is i realy luv my family..

idop da btol2 bemakne skrng..hihhihi...

will alway luv Ahmad Affan Ziqry & Mohd Khaidir :)