"For the rest of my life, I`ll be with you, I`ll stay by your side honest and true, Till the end of my time, I`ll be loving you. loving you, For the rest of my life, Thru days and night, I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes, Now and forever I I`ll be there for you"

Sunday, July 13, 2008

1st family event in 2008

last month ari tue de la wat family event, dat was the 1st event in year 2008. ye lah memandangkn smua nye bz so june tue bru la wat event. dat event pon tuk suprising bday for aunty aku ngan husband kezen aku..so mcm2 la kitorng plan smpi wat suprise slide for them..hahaha...klakar jgak la mane x nye smua gamba lame2 kitorng msokkn dlm slide tue.hahhaa..dat nite was happening even x smua sdare yg ader but smua guess yg dtg smua pkai ikot theme..bagus bgus...this the certain picture from that event..lalalalallalala..so aku pon da bosan nk menaip..pe lg 'c u went i want 2 c u'..hahha..itu pon kalo aku rjin nk update blog nie..ahak ahak..

people behind the scene..hahhaha

nie la dia bday boy n bday gal for that nite..

another bday gal that we call her "the queen of gossiper"..lala


ZaFrY said...

ehhh.. olyoss ke tu..
kurus keding nya..
weiii ko nie mane ada gemuk..
aku yela gemuk.. lalala

EzaAriff said...

hahha..ko mereng ke ape..aku gemuk da la..adehh