"For the rest of my life, I`ll be with you, I`ll stay by your side honest and true, Till the end of my time, I`ll be loving you. loving you, For the rest of my life, Thru days and night, I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes, Now and forever I I`ll be there for you"

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


aduhai da bape mlm aku xleh tdo nie..aduh...ape nk jd nie...tensen tol la aku..pe mslhnye tah..
hurmm...da la bosan..ingt kn bile bosn snag la nk tdo..nie tdo pon xleh..ish..sengsara tol la..

hurmm..2day is de last day in year 2008, mcm xcye jer..mcm bru je aku abis spm..hahaha...pdahal umo taun depan da nk msok 25..pergh da 25 ish ish..da tua da...hahaha..tp xngaku tua..ahak ahak..

cpt nye la mse belalu..hurmm...mcm xbest je nk tingalkn 2008 nie..byk sgt kenangan taun nie..mcm-mcm perkare yg belaku..aku pon da nk abis stdy..akhirnye...moge-moge abis la stdy aku tue..huhuhu...

arap2 taun 2009 nnti akn memberi kegembiraan n kejayaan tuk aku..hahaha...tiada lg kesedihan di taun 2009 nnti..hek hek...hurmm

mlas da nk menaip..bosan lak duk menaip jer..so hepi advanced new year 2009..yehaaa...c yaaa...