"For the rest of my life, I`ll be with you, I`ll stay by your side honest and true, Till the end of my time, I`ll be loving you. loving you, For the rest of my life, Thru days and night, I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes, Now and forever I I`ll be there for you"

Monday, December 22, 2008

mlm R E T R O 6 Dec 08

huhuhu..akhirnye dpt gak aku update blog yg x sbrape nie r..almaklum la aku pon tgh kebosan thap gaban nie r, so leh la aku update blog nie tuk ilangkn bosan aku nie r..hehehe bebalik pade title ats tue r, aku nk cter la skit...on 6 Dec 08 ari tue, kitorng wat Annual Family Gathering.. so tuk mlm tue, kitorng plih Retro as our theme...so ape lg mcm2 fesyen la mlm tue r..so dis gathering xde la kelam kibut coz da wat preparation sebulan lpas...ade yg tempah la bju..hahaha..klaka pon de gak..ahak ahak..

so byk la agenda2 pde mlm tue, even bende tue xspenuh nye family member yg ader, tp mlm tue tetap havoc..hahaha..so for dis event tiap family mesti wat performance, kalo x kne dende..hahah... n smua family very sporting, smua nye wat performance, de yg bce sajak la, dancing la, drama la..memang best la.. then the finally aku slaku controller for all slide,hahaha..kire nye yg in charge multimedia, aku kua kn slide yg dorng sndri pon xtau...so pe lg smua minitiskn air mata ler..mane x nye aku wat slide for those family member yg da meninggal kn kitorng... so hope for next year, leh la lg wat event yg lg gempak dri taun nie n taun lepas...bolywood sdah, retro pon sdah..so for the next year we juz wait ape theme dia...n hope la dpt la kumpulkn smua family member...huhuhuhu...da la aku da mls nk menaip lg...adehhh kebosanan sungguh laa...arghhhh......

::ini lah sebahagian dri Family Member yg involve for dat nite::

::dis de location for dat nite::

::inilah kami yg hepi..yahhuuu...ahak ahak::

::our MC n PhotoG(red scaft)::

::it's me wit dak kenit yg noty Faiqa..laalal::